Terms & Conditions


We will always do our best to fulfill your needs and meet your goals, but sometimes it’s best to have a few things written down so that we both know what’s what, who should do what and what happens if stuff goes wrong. We do want what’s best for the safety of both parties, now and in the future.

In short

You are hiring us Buzzworks Creations located in Fort Worth, TX to design, develop, or maintain a website.

What Do Both Parties Agree To Do?

As our customer, you have the power and ability to enter into this contract on behalf of your company or organization. You agree to provide us with everything that we’ll need to complete the project – including text, images, and other information – as and when we need it and in the format we ask for. You agree to review our work, provide feedback and approval in a timely manner too. Deadlines work two ways and you’ll also be bound by any dates that we set together. You also agree to stick to the payment schedule set out at the end of this contract.

We have the experience and ability to perform the services you need from us and we will carry them out in a professional and timely manner. Along the way, we will endeavor to meet all the deadlines set but we are not responsible for a missed launch date or a deadline if you have been late in supplying materials or have not approved or signed off our work on-time at any stage. On top of this, we’ll also maintain the confidentiality of any information that you give us.


If we are designing your application we’ll create designs for the look-and-feel, layout and functionality of your website. This contract includes one main design plus the opportunity for you to make up to two rounds of revisions. If you’re not happy with the designs at this stage, you will pay us in full for all of the work that we have produced until that point and you may either cancel this contract or continue to commission us to make further design revisions at our standard design rates.

HTML and CSS Layout Templates

If the project includes HTML markup and CSS templates, we’ll develop these using valid HTML and CSS code. The landscape of web browsers and devices changes regularly and our approach is to look forward, not back. With that in mind, we will test all our markup and CSS in current versions of all major desktop browsers to ensure that we make the most from them. Users of older or less capable browsers or devices will experience a design that is appropriate to the capabilities of their software.

We do not cater to people using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and cannot predict the behavior of that browser.

We will also test that these templates perform well on Apple’s iPad. We will not test old or abandoned browsers, for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or 5.5 for Windows or Mac, previous versions of Apple’s Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Opera unless otherwise specified. If you need us to consider these older browsers, we will charge you at our standard old browser rate for any necessary additional design work, development and testing.

Text Content

We may have written a hundred blog posts but we’re not responsible for writing copy unless we specified it in the original estimate. We’ll be happy to help though, and in addition to the estimate, we will charge you at our standard copywriting rate.


The purchase of the license to use photos will be an additional cost. You may purchase them or we can invoice you for them on your monthly invoice. You agree that you will either own the copyright to, or have a license to use, any photographs supplied by you.

Changes and Revisions

We know from plenty of experience that fixed-price contracts are rarely beneficial to you, as they often limit you to your first idea about how something should look, or how it might work. We don’t want to limit either your options or your opportunities to change your mind.

The estimate/quotation prices at the beginning of this document are based on the amount of work we estimate we’ll need to accomplish everything that you have told us you want to achieve. If you do want to change your mind, add extra pages or templates or even add new functionality, that won’t be a problem. However, you will be charged accordingly and these additional costs will need to be agreed to before the extra work commences. This additional work will affect deadlines and they will be moved accordingly. We’ll be upfront about all of this if and when it happens to make sure we’re all on the same page before proceeding. We may also ask you to put requests in writing so we can keep track of changes. If the nature or functions of the project change significantly throughout the process, we reserve the right to deem the current project canceled. At this point, you will pay us in full for all the work we have done and may commission us to complete the new project based on the new requirements. This will require a new quote and contract.

Technical Support

You may already have professional website hosting, you might even manage that hosting in-house; if that’s the case, great. If you don’t manage your own website hosting, or your current hosting environment does not support the solution we are providing, we will recommend a suitable platform for the website to be built on. We are not an IT management company and do not offer or include technical support for email.

Legal stuff

We can’t guarantee that the functions contained in any web page templates or in a completed website will always be error-free and so we are not liable to you or any third party for damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of the operation of or inability to operate this website and any other web pages, even if you have advised us of the possibilities of such damages.

Care plans are a prevention service. We cannot guarantee that your website will never be hacked. We provide the services to prevent hacks. And if in a case they do happen – we have your website back up live promptly.

If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason is unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.


You guarantee to us that any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork that you provide us for inclusion in the website are either owned by your good selves or that you have permission to use them.

When we receive your final payment, copyright is automatically assigned as follows: You own the graphics and other visual elements that we create for you for this project. We’ll give you a copy of all files and you should store them really safely as we are not required to keep them or provide any native source files we used to make them.

You also own text content, photographs, and other data you provided unless someone else owns them. We own the markup, CSS, and other code and we license it to you for use on only this project. We love to show off our work and share what we have learned with other people, so we reserve the right to display and link to your completed project as part of our portfolio and to write about the project on websites, in magazine articles and in books about web design.

What Constitutes Notice

All notices, consents, requests, demands or other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given or delivered, if delivered personally, by confirmed email, or mailed by registered, overnight or certified mail, return receipt requested, with the first-class postage prepaid to the address set forth the party’s signature to this Agreement. Any change in any party’s address shall be deemed effective if made in accordance with this section.

Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Venue.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Texas without regard to conflicts of laws principles. Any action or proceeding seeking to enforce any provision of, or based on any right arising out of, this Agreement shall be brought against any of the Parties in the courts of the State of Texas, County of Tarrant, or, if it has or can acquire jurisdiction, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, and each of the Parties consents to the jurisdiction of such courts (and of the appropriate appellate courts) in any such action or proceeding and waives any objection to venue laid therein. Process in any action or proceeding referred to in the preceding sentence may be served on any Party anywhere in the world.